Since opened for business, we have received thousands of e-mails from around the world. After sifting through the stacks, we have found a few nuggets worth sharing. Here they are. Enjoy.
hi there... im not really good in stones and gems... but recently i got a stone which is called Marjan and am interested to sell it.. when u hold it, it gives out a glow.. and also when u put it in a glass of water, it will shine and make it so bright.. do contact me if u are interested to view it.
Actually, we’re afraid to view it. Didn’t we do a series of stories on this stuff?
Subject: identification of ruby gemstones
dear sir
i am not much qualified but deals in gemstones as usual i become very much confused to identify a real gemstones[eye glass clean]among some fake faceted finished stones i am informed about x-rays[ordinary]technique to assure a gem piece but unfortunately remained unable to come across the discrimination therfore i find you as last resort where i may be able to decision perfect in by adoting your valuable adviees applying this or an other technique easily which is not costtier to me hoping earliest easy advies whitout spending much more on gem-idetification applianies
very very thanks ful to u
Text-messaging like this while driving can be hazardous to your health.
I have a new email address!
You can now email me at: [withheld]
I am ill and will die I want to distribute my funds to charity organization through you.
R. I. P.
wow these sure exciding times for all of you the day!! with your story and details i was satting on the edge of my chair, for more of the red clay experants, i lov mineing and the goals of retriving what mother nature set a side for us to expirinse in our own timing or perhaps in hers, but isn’t so alsome want we find in our lives that makes it worth living for what will the next pocket revale??? and yes you all got me going, ;thinking; i lov digging in the dirt, clay, finding new trasures were ever i land in life,but to get back to way i am writing ya folks,we saw a program on the tube,travel channel,about the jems, and in pala there was a place were the vistiors to come and dig../ i dont mined getting dirty thats the fun of it all.. free mud baths/ good for the skin,plus it pulls out the toxins/ another story another time.. but my Q is were is the mine that we can come down to pala, and what we remember from the trvel chan the cost was 5 dollars a bucket, well i have al!
ot of 5 dollar bills waitting to go to pala to do some digging or just washing red clay off the mine telling, can u plase let me know of the places we can do this in pala or in ur area???dates, times too thanx alot
We love it when you talk dirty. It gets us satting on the edge of our chairs, too.
Id just like to say you suck for not having any ore available to rockbound such as myself,greedy bastards.
We love it when you talk dirty.
Subject: Offer to Sell to Pala International
Item for Sale:
1melon dolor i have a stone befor300500year and i want to sall this
Yes, we’ve heard of the melon dolor, and suggest you consult a qualified health professional as soon as possible.
Mr. Pardieu:
Do you know of any gemstone that if you have it in your possession, you can then know more things than before. Like to be able to find hidden objects or people.
I am interested in knowing the kind of stones, their treatment, faceting angles and possible availability.
We forwarded this to Vincent with the following note:
If you have any tips, we'd like to know where Jimmy Hoffa is buried, the identity of the Black Dahlia murderer, and the location of Karl Rove's missing emails.
Vincent replied:
You can answer that to my knowledge the so-called “philosopher’s stone” of the alchemists could fit to his description, but it is not easy to get...
Dear Sir
Does your company requires, 59 80 R 63 OTR TYRES?
coming on october 23, 18 NUMBERS, 59 80 R 63.
he gave me a time up to monday, to produce confirmed purchase order for 59 80 r 63.else he will have to discuss and advertise to other people.
photos will be able to be produced on oct 23, same day sgs can be done, and can be send in ship on the same day.
with kind regards
We have visited your site , and we think that your web site's content will be of interest to our web site visitors.
We have already placed a link to your site at:
We would appreciate if you link back to our site.The details of our site are:
Title: Contacting Russian brides
Description: Planning a Russian romance tour costing $4,000, including spending money, you will absolutely want to take a closer look .
Does posting this on the Mailbag constitute a reciprocal link?
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Sir i was surprised that Pala Gems have offices in madagascar which i knew after looking at the picture in this months [newsletter] issue, and i wonder if Pala Gems company has offices in East Africa( Tanzania). We have offices in Tanzania and deal with Tanzanites and was wondering if Pala Gems is interested in opening a branch there.
We have some offices which are empty and are on the main (gondolio) road and good deals can be made.
Please Let me know if Pala Gems is Interested as there are no Big Firms there to control and regulate.
We were surprised, too. It was supposed to be a joke...
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Richard Hughes, who wrote our Alexandrite Buying Guide, kindly forwarded the following email, which we couldn’t resist sharing:
I saw your article on the web site regarding Alexandrite. My friend writes of a stone from his place in Africa; it shows red color at sunset, snow white in darkness, no glow in moonlight, is 12 sided pyramid shape stone, looks light blue during day, but most amazing he says it is about a half metre tall. Can this be Alexandrite? As I believe the largest Alexandrite known is about 22 cm tall only. Hope it will not inconvenience you to reply. Will appreciate your guidance.
Dear Sir or Madam,
Hope your day starts with sweet smiles & tender touch of blowing wind.
Solicitations from vendors don’t usually get this personal...
Subject: I wanted to offer the thing
Hallo, my host S.M.J. the owner blue obsidian (natural glass) and I intended to sell him, heavy 20 kg, complete with the certificate and I opened the price $ 10.000.000, negotiations and I offered in equipped with the picture and the certificate.
May the host be interested or have the other buyer.
Information further contacted this e-mail.
thank you............
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The host wasn’t interested. So, definitely, “have the other buyer.”
Dear Sir,
Received your letter. Thank U very much.
I am very much pleased by the interest you have shown in keeping
Contact with our concern. And I appreciate your knowledge about
Our country, culture, epics, and so on. Certainly U can discover about
All these things if you have right perspective, and proper guidance
By true scholars, because there are plenty of people in our country
Who pose themselves as intellectuals, but they are all perverted
Communist ideologues that are spoiling the real values of this ancient
Sacred civilization. Anyhow it is really interesting to U to discover
This land.
As for the business is concerned I am attaching the document for
Your reference, please go through it and find out a suitable buyer
Who can come to India and purchase this rare antique gemstone,
Known as Spodumene-Hiddenite (yellow) which is only one of its
Kind in the collector’s choices.
Its approximate value would be 10 Million US $.
You will be rewarded as per the International standard business
Commissions. If U are ready to bring the buyer I will arrange the VISA formalities
For both of you
Thanking U
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The right perspective and proper guidance... You will be rewarded.
Last night was browsin on gem trade in BURMA. Ran into you.Mind blowing.The effect was as everlastin as my acid trip in Halifax and checking out an african dude presentinn his masters thesis on the aparthide. second flash backs was as i came out of the show Apocolipcs Now. Man, i am at a dead end as of what to vevture in to make a livin.Have been keen in stones for along 25 YEARS. but never ventured in it cos of everlasting discouragements. Read your book review and was tpansported and inspired. I am a Malaysian and have been wanting to journey to burma now to learn the trade and also if fortunate to dabble in it for a . .livinn. Any leads -advise-words. I admire your sincerity ,wit,intillengence,nerves,consciouness,compassion and intigrity.most of all your mental faculities of geniously being so down to earth and able to polish the hidden and latent rubies of any citizen of TRUTH. I ADMIRE YOU AND ADORE YOUR NAKEDINESS OF REALITY. Please respond and convey my NAMASKARR to your lovely companions and family.
CHEERS. P.S. Kuala L umpur.
I didn’t know Dennis Hopper was in Malaysia....
Dear Sir,
I work in the Peridot, and belong from Pakistan If you know about the peridot then Pakistan is top of the list in the peridot. I have our own mines here in Pakistan and I want business with you, and if you know about the Namak Mandi in Peshawar I have office. Some person who is from Germany I work with these peoples and I also want work with you in the peridot if you intrested.
I have also in the large quantiy Aquamarines which I want to deal with you if your are interested in these atimes and also avilable all kind of samples .And also Thormalines, Lepes,Topaz, Aquamarines, Kunzid and Amethest are avilable in the larges quantities.
Note: All these stones I have in the uncut shape.
Thanking you,
Thormalines, Lepes, and Kunzid. Hmmmm...
bear richad hughes president to anational genstone i came to your high personnalite. busness in your establish i am kayombo. i have got agood stone. what cant so to make abusness with you. tell me the way we can discus. use to do DIAMOND im my countrie. DRC and i am a buyer. for precious stone.
Bear Richad responds: I love to be abused. Whip me, beat me.
We are explorers, burrowers and searchers of the intestine of the earth, looking for deposits that are invisible on the surface of the earth. We dig, mine and sell solid and industerial minerals like diamond, gold, topaz, tantalites, emerald, sapphire, amethyst, quartz, rubbelite, rodolite, aquamarine, calcium, flourite, pyrites, kaolin, lmestone, etc and ores.There are so many of them that lie waste in our store-house, lapidiary and mineralogical laboratory which we have not included in this list. so indicate your interest to us, and we will offer you a clean deal with highly competitive prices.
Yours Faithfully,
I, O.O., a talented Nigeria botanist i am capable of producing gold artificially.This key i have zealously guarded.Besides i can as well produce gem stones, specifically sapphire.I crave your indulgence to delve into these and assist in sending your opinion to me .I solely believe in practical to convince whoever is intrested in this course. Thanks and God bless.
And another
I am a God fearing young Nigerian Botanist who is capable of producing Gold and artificial Gem especially Sapphire. I have zealously guarded the secret to myself and never to reveal it in my country (Nigeria) being what is obtain here.
Remember Gold is not only found in the bowels of the earth. I can do this in three ways:
- Adding Organic substances together to form Gold - Colophonium powder playing an important role.
- Adding substances to a GOLD COIN to form a solid lump of Gold.
- Adding metals together to form Gold: Abyssinian Gold.
That of Sapphire is a strass imitation. I bet you this. There are many more researches going on. Talk to me!
Dear sir,
I have the following to sell to Pala International:
I offers a ruby. It can generates apower in a glass about 10 glass. If your interested contact me as soon as possible.
And this one a few days later from someone with a completely diffferent name (but obviously working for the same company)
Dear sir,
I offers a germs in red color. It can generates 10 glasess. I wnat to know how much your buy for each gems.
Dear sir,
If you're in search of various minerals maybe my gift of guiding people on soul travel can help you. I have guided a number of people and back and they were happy with the result. How it can help?
By doing soul travel, you can scan the whole earth with your third eye (which I will adjust), you can determine the exact place where these minerals are deposited (which may need not be far from where you are) and you can proceed to plan as to how to unearth them and add them to your collections.
Its the usual practice in treasure hunting - getting the help of somebody with an opened third eye. In your case, you are in the best judgement as to which mineral would give you a world record.
You may want to employ me. I’m working as Investment Analyst in one of the largest bank in the Philippines and tired of my working environment. My first love is to guide people for their souls to travel.
I am Col. Mgbadam Muguh, a former senior assistant leader of revolutionary united front of sierra Leone know as(R.U.F), with me also is (Sergent)Mohammed Geepay.
Few weeks ago,we decided and made away with large quantity of (diamond) weithging 2.98kg which have been saved and deposited in a high security company before boarding for Dakar Senegal, where we have decided to stay temporarily and decide on what to do with those great resources which is our hope of life. We got your contact from the internet and decided to contact you as an honest and trustworthy able businessman whom we can trust and transact business with.
As a trusted and honest businessman like you, we would like you to secure our great ressource(diamonds) in your care pending our arrival to you country, as we have decided to order a command to the security Company to transfer our resourses to you depending on your urgent reply to our request. Note that this transaction demands the highest trust,security and confidentiality between us. Moreover it is risk free in the sense that i have taken proper care of all formalities regarding this transaction.
For your assistance and co-operation I have decided to give you 15% of the total money generated from it’s sales and 5% maped out for miscellaneous expenses that we may occure during the process of transferring the ressource to your country. As soon as the ressources mentioned above is successfully transferred in to your position.We intend to use our own share to acquire estates and landed properties in your country.
On commencement, I wish this transaction will take 14 working days to accomplish. On request a certificate of deposit bond of the security company, together with the laboratory test result certificate of the diamond will be sent to you as soon as i hear from you.
Feel free to contact me through my phone +221-665-66-47.
For my own interest please treat with utmost secrecy and confidential.
Thanks yours sincerely
Col. Mgbadam Muguh
Dear Sir,
15 ears ago when I saw stone I fond thise pictures in stone.Do you have information about collectors of such pictures?
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Readers, can you help us out with this?
Our offer:
One 7.6 kg of Medium High Grade Rare EMERALD rough uncut stone evaluated approximately above US$616 Million with a polished face value of more than US$6 Billion.
I am the notarized Special Power-of-Attorney (from certain authorized Government Agency) to SELL, TRADE or INVESTMENT.
Emerald stone are kept in special security vault.
If interested, please email me your procedure and advise.
Thank you in advance.
Hmm, sounds a little underpriced.
Dear Sir/Ma,
l am happy to write you these few lines.l got your contact address in a famous Bulletin on International Colored Gemstone Association (ICGA) in South Africa. My name is Lucky Lawrence, a nephew to George Lawrence, the Former Chairman of the Ministerial Committe on Internal Resources (MCIR) in the Democratic Republic of Congo. I have some Gemstones that was kept in my possession by my Uncle. l am planning to sell these Stones as directed by my Uncle. The Stones is Worth 15 Million U.S. Dollars($15,000000.00) but we can give Favorable condition. Please, you can contact me through the above e-mail address or my phone number for more details on this transaction.
Expecting your prompt response.
Yours sincerely
Lucky Lawrence.
Feelin’ lucky?
I wish YOU happy new year 2001 and thank YOU very much for YOUR letter. I need yOUR help because I search buyers for mining and rough precios stones because I can't export my product abroad and please could YOU send me please some addess of byers in AMERICA or in THAILAND .YOU RECIEIVE A VERY BIG PRESENT FOR ME.
Dick “Hughe” Hughes replies: This poor soul needed more help than even I could provide. The letter didn’t come with a “Reply to:” address. And I really wanted that very big present.
I am the financial controller and sole signatory to the Petroleum proceeds accounts of the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). The regulator and major exporter of Nigeria’s rich Petroleum Resources (crude oil). I am making this proposal to you on behalf of three colleagues and myself. We are contacting you for a very important business deal. We have concluded and perfected plans to transfer the sum of $35m (Thirty Five Million Dollars) only into a reliable account abroad.
On the 14th of January 1999. This committee, Petroleum Special Trust Fund (PTF) awarded a contract of $965,000.00(Nine Hundred and Sixty Five Million United States Dollars) to a Canadian based in Britain firm, but the contract was sub-contracted to four foreign firms by the original contractor.
This contract in question was for the Turn Around maintenance of Port -Harcourt, Warri and Kaduna Refineries (TAM). My colleagues and I decided to over invoice the contract sum to the tune of One billion Dollars with the intention of sharing $35m among us. The Federal Government of Nigeria has since approved the sum of One billion dollars for the executed contracts but since the original contractor was only entitled to $965 million and has been paid in full, the remaining $35m is still floating in the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).
The new civilian President, as a part of as a part of it’s efforts to win international support has directed that all outstanding contracts payment due to foreign contractors be paid to them immediately, fortunately for us, the over-invoiced sum of US$ 35m has been listed as one such payment by vide contract number. FGN-VOL 15/ NNPC/ PED/ 3281-X/ 99. However, as a civil servant we are not permitted to operate foreign account by Nigeria Law. This is why we are asking for your assistance to provide us with the necessary bank documents to facilitate the transfer of this fund into any account you will nominate whether in your country of any part of the world.
For your assistance we have agreed to offer you 25% of the total sum 70% for us, 5% for any local of international expenses incurred by both parties during the process.
For a smooth transfer, we shall require the following by fax
- Your private, Telephone and Fax number.
- Complete particulars of the Bank and account numbers.
- Your official letter head paper with the above information, we will usße your name company’s name to re-awrd the contract, put up the letter of claims and apply for payment.
We wait in anticipation for quick response.
Yes, sir, we’ll be sending you our account numbers immediately. Readers, if any of you want in on this, e-mail us.
I would like to inform you that I`ve some emerald from Swat Mingaora Pakistan and a packet fromPanjshir Valley.Mingaoran emerald are ranging from few molecule per 1 carat to 3.5 carat and the stock is ready for sell.The price list is below.If you are interested in our stock.Please contact us.
Them’s some tiny emeralds. Gives a whole new meaning to the term “melee.”
Dear Sir/Madam,
We got your address from the web as a importers of gold and diamonds. We are a movement in eastern sierra leone,we have in stock 196pieces of rough diamonds,gold dust 99kg and bars 80kg.We want to export the above mentioned goods to potencial buyers.Price list, samples are available atyour request.
Thanks in advance for your intrest.
We received this message shortly after the UN imposed a ban on rebel-mined diamonds from Sierra Leone. It appears the rebels are taking their stones direct to market. How’s this sound for a new slogan: “Buy our diamonds or else.”